Step 1: Set Your Timeline

Are you ready to finally succeed at losing weight? Have you tried every diet and exercise plan out there? Are you stuck in a cycle of yoyo dieting and feel bad about yourself? At HealthyWage, we believe in a powerful tool that transcends any diet and exercise plan, and get this – it’s nothing you haven’t heard before. What is that tool? 




If you don’t have a timeline, you’ll most likely procrastinate. Why? Because having a timeline with set goals and deadlines will be your key to breaking free of the relentless yo-yo dieting cycles, and finally  creating the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.


Intention vs. Action

When you don’t have a timeline, the natural reaction is to procrastinate, which leads to you not hitting your goals. Let’s take a look at the science behind procrastination and how it can hinder your weight loss progress. 

When you consistently postpone your exercise routines, meal preparations, or even tracking your progress, it creates a gap between intention and action. This gap can result in decreased motivation, missed opportunities to burn calories, and a tendency to choose unhealthy, convenient food choices over planned, nutritious meals. 

According to a study by Pychyl and Flett (2012) titled “Procrastination and Self-Regulatory Failure: An Introduction to the Special Issue,” procrastination is linked to lower self-control and self-efficacy, traits crucial for maintaining discipline in a weight loss journey.” Another study by Steel (2007) noted that “procrastination could lead to reduced overall well-being, further emphasizing the need to address and overcome this behavior for successful weight management.”

Motivation is the New Procrastination

The most effective approach to combating procrastination is to create a productive timeline. We recommend starting a HealthyWager Challenge. A HealthyWager Challenge provides a timeline (via a set end date for your challenge), structure to enable you to be successful, AND incentive in the form of cash prizes (with a profit HIGHER than any savings account) to motivate you to reach your goals. If you’re already planning to lose weight, why not get paid for it?

HealthyWager Resources

How else can I create a timeline that matters?

While the HealthyWager Challenge isn’t the only way you can create a timeline that matters, we strongly believe it’s the most effective and rewarding approach when it comes to weight loss.

Another option to avoid procrastination,  is to pick a date on the calendar, one that holds significance to you such as an upcoming vacation or life event (i.e. wedding, birthday)Since your ultimate goal should be sustainable weight loss, we recommend your deadline date be at least 6 months from your starting date (healthy weight loss takes time!). Enter the date into your calendar and create weekly reminders for yourself of that deadline (we love the post-it note insanity method) to help ensure you reach your goal on time. By consistently reminding yourself of that date, you’re more likely to stay committed to your goals and healthy habits and avoid temptations and self-sabotage. 

If the idea of a HealthyWager Challenge intrigues you but maybe you’re not ready to take that step just yet, there are many other ways to earn money for losing weight! Check out the shorter-term weight loss challenges we have starting weekly!


To do: Create mini-goals

Once you’ve established your goal and timeline, break up that big goal with mini (aka bite-size) goals you can achieve and celebrate along the way. Mini-goals are great for keeping you on track to achieving your ultimate goal and fun to check off and celebrate along the way!. 

Example: If your HealthyWager goal is to lose 40 lbs and you have 6 months to lose it in, set a  mini goal to lose 2 lbs  per week. If you consistently focus on losing those next 2 lbs each week, you’ll be on the right track to lose your goal of 40 pounds in 6 months! Mini Goal 


When should I set my timeline? 

NOW is the best time! No more procrastination, no more “waiting for the right time”, no more telling yourself “I’ll start on Monday”. The sooner you get your timeline in place, the sooner you’ll be at your goal. To get started, complete the action items below and then move on to Step 2. 

Step 1 Action Items

Move on to Step 2: The Caloric Blueprint once you’ve completed the following items:

  • Set your timeline
    • Join a HealthyWager or select a significant date on the calendar ( it should be important and you need to write it down!)
  • Set your weight loss goal
    • Decide how much weight you want to lose and write it down somewhere you’ll see  (i.e. bathroom mirror, refrigerator, computer monitor).).
  • Choose your mini-goals
    • What mini goal will you work towards and celebrate each week? We recommend a mini-goal of 1-2 lbs per week. It’s achievable, healthy, and will keep you motivated until you reach your overall goal. 