How Social Support Helps with Weight Loss Success

Get by with a little help from your friends and find out how to get weight loss support with HealthyWage on the mobile app, available on iOS and Android, where you can connect with others who are also on their weight loss journey!


HealthyWage’s online community, located in the chat tab is a great resource for social support on days where you’re struggling and need encouragement or days you are rocking your weight loss and want to show off your accomplishments! Hit a plateau? Ask your fellow challengers how they overcame theirs — you might find some helpful tips. Found a new healthy recipe you just can’t get enough of? Share it with the group!

In addition to the community board, Lifelines take it a step further when it comes to social support. Lifelines can be a fellow challenger, spouse, parent, sibling, friend, or even fitness trainer. Plus, they don’t have to be a HealthyWage participant!

Why go through this journey alone when you can surround yourself with a supportive community to help you achieve your weight loss goal? Let others be a part of your success and get connected! Check out this winner on how to get weight loss support from HealthyWage:

“I liked the community aspect of [HealthyWage]. Complete strangers rooting you on and being able to share my encouragement – we all need it! Encouragement and compliments go a long way.” ~ Lashea B., won $2,307 for losing 57 pounds

Download the HealthyWage app on iOS and Android to get started!
