How to incorporate exercise into your routine

When embarking on a weight loss journey, incorporating a fitness routine can be both exciting and daunting. For those just starting out, the world of exercise can seem overwhelming. However, the key is not to dive into the deep end immediately but to step in gently, making manageable changes that you can sustain. Think of it as scheduling an event—a commitment to yourself. And with a little creativity, you can seize workout opportunities in the most unexpected places. 


Here’s how to start:

1. Treat Workouts Like Appointments

Just like you wouldn’t miss a doctor’s appointment or an important meeting, commit to your workout sessions with the same seriousness.

  • Schedule in Advance: At the beginning of the week, plan your workouts and pencil them into your calendar. Set reminders to ensure you don’t forget.
  • Stay Accountable: Share your workout times with a friend or family member. Knowing someone else is aware can give that extra push to stay committed.

2. Start Manageable

The key to long-term success is consistency. Instead of launching straight into a high-intensity regime:

  • Begin with Low-Impact Exercises: Walking, cycling, or basic body-weight exercises are great starting points. Aim for 20 minutes a day and gradually increase the time and intensity.
  • Join Beginner Classes: Consider joining classes designed for beginners. The communal atmosphere can provide motivation and support.

3. Discover Unexpected Workout Venues

Opportunities to get moving are everywhere if you think outside the box:

  • At Your Kid’s Soccer Game: While they play, use the sidelines to your advantage. Walk or jog around the field. The perimeter offers a ready-made track, and the game’s duration gives you a set timeframe.
  • The Office Lunch Break: Instead of sitting at your desk, take a brisk walk outside. If there’s a stairwell, do 10-minute stair climbing sessions. Bring resistance bands to your office—they’re portable and can be used for a variety of strength exercises.
  • While Waiting: Whether you’re waiting for a friend, at a bus stop, or in a queue, use this idle time. Do calf raises, practice balancing on one foot, or engage your core with some subtle but effective standing ab exercises.
  • TV Time: Use commercial breaks for quick workouts. Do squats, lunges, or planks. Every bit counts!

4. Utilize Technology

There are countless fitness apps tailored for beginners. They offer guided workouts, progress tracking, and reminders to keep you on your toes.

5. Set Short-Term Goals

Having tangible, achievable goals can drive you forward. Whether it’s walking 5,000 steps a day, mastering a new exercise, or attending three workout classes a week, celebrate these mini-milestones.

6. Listen to Your Body

While it’s good to push yourself, it’s crucial to recognize when to rest. Recovery is a part of the fitness journey. If you feel pain (not to be confused with discomfort) or are excessively fatigued, give yourself a break.

Incorporating fitness into your weight loss plan doesn’t need to be a huge undertaking. By starting small, scheduling your sessions, and being opportunistic about where you exercise, you’ll weave fitness seamlessly into your daily routine and increase your overall motivation to lose weight. Over time, these small commitments compound, leading to substantial, sustainable results. Remember, every step, squat, or stair climb is a move in the right direction. Stay consistent, stay committed, and most importantly, enjoy the journey!
