How to track your progress

Ignorance is bliss…unless you’re in a weight loss challenge and constantly hiding from the scale. Instead of fearing it, use the scale as your guide to help determine if you’re on point with your nutrition and fitness or not. One popular tool that will help you stay consistent with your weigh-ins is the Progress Tracker on the HealthyWage mobile app, available on iOS and Android. Here’s how to track your weight loss with HealthyWage:

HealthyWage’s most popular tool, the Progress Tracker gives you a clear visual of your weight loss and challenge status. In addition to displaying your starting, current, and goal weight, the Progress Tracker shows where you currently are and where you want to be in order to achieve your weight loss goal and win your challenge. By submitting unverified weigh-ins (we recommend weekly), the Progress Tracker will provide you an instant update so you can see how close you are to achieving your goal and remind you to keep up those healthy habits.

While unverified weigh-ins are not mandatory nor affect your challenge outcome, they are highly encouraged so you know where you stand in your challenge at all times. Have a week where the scale didn’t budge or maybe went up? Still track it and use it as an opportunity to review your nutrition and activity to see if there’s any improvements you can make.

And that’s not all! The Progress Tracker allows you to change the view from private (for your eyes only) to shareable so you can post on social media to show your friends and family how well you’re doing…or if you need some extra encouragement to get back on track! Want to learn more about how to track your weight loss with HealthyWage? Learn how this winner did it:

“My goal was to stay ahead of the progress tracker. If I saw the tracker was catching up to me, I knew I needed to push and get ahead. ~Amanda L., won $3,041 for losing 70 pounds

Download the HealthyWage app on iOS and Android to get started!
