We all know water is the best source of hydration and the healthiest option when it comes to drinks, but it’s not always the most attractive selection, especially if soda and sugary drinks are your go-to drink of choice. So, here’s the thing, we all need water and it comes with tons of health and weight loss benefits! In addition to helping as an appetite suppressant and boosting your metabolism, water also cleanses your body of waste and aids with water retention (goodbye bloat!). If you’re struggling to get in your daily intake of H2O (around 93 ounces for women and 125 ounces for men), check out our top 5 tips for drinking more water:
1. Drink a glass of water with every meal. Start off by adding a glass of water to every meal (including snacks!) and sip on it throughout. By drinking water in between bites, you’ll find yourself eating slower, which not only allows your body to digest your meal at at healthier rate, but may also help prevent you from overeating. And, if you’re used to drinking something else and don’t want to give it up, you don’t have to! Just make it a goal to finish that glass of water with every meal.
2. Track your daily water intake. If you’re not a fan of spreadsheets and tracking, look into apps that track your water intake for you! And to make it even better, there’s rescuable water bottles you can invest in that are not only great for keeping your water chilled, but also track your water consumption. Not sure which bottle to get? Check out the HidrateSpark 3 Smart Water Bottle that comes with a FREE Hydration Tracker!
3. Infuse your water. Plain water can be so…plain. But, it doesn’t have to be! Cucumbers, lemons, limes, and berries are all great additions you can drop into your water to add some flavor and make it, well more exciting! Check out these ideas of sprucing up your H2O!

4. Swap out soda for seltzer water. Seltzer water is great for curbing those carbonated cravings without the high-count calories and sugar! While there’s an array of seltzer-infused options on the grocery store shelves, make sure you check the labels to avoid high sodium ones. And to add a little flavor, you can always infuse plain seltzer water yourself with fruit and veggies!
5. Keep refilling your water bottle. Make a habit of immediately refilling your water bottle (or glass) right after you’ve drained it. By keeping your H2O conveniently stocked at all times, you’re likely to drink more water, whether intentionally or just because it’s there.
Now that you have our top 5 tips for drinking more water, here’s one more way you can get motivated to stay hydrated: start a HealthyWager, the individual weight loss challenge customized to you! You pick your weight loss goal, the timeframe you want to lose it in, and prize (up to $10,000)! Ready to get started? Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator to find out how much you can win!!